This is living!
Baptism is an important step in your faith journey and we would love to celebrate your new life in Christ with you. Throughout the year we celebrate baptisms and reaffirmation of baptisms on what we call Baptism Sundays. These are special days where we can come together as a church family and celebrate with you in your baptism or your recommitment to Christ. If you would like more information about our next Baptism Sunday or you would like to speak to a pastor about baptism, reaffirming your baptism, or baby dedications, fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you this week.
Baptism is for anyone who wants to publicly come into God’s family. Being baptized is a sign to all that you are loved by God and loved by God’s people. It is a sign that God’s grace is at work in your life and that God’s people are coming alongside of you to help you walk in God’s grace. In baptism, you are either immersed or sprinkled and the water symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, the washing away of sins, and a new life. After being baptized, you gain a new family, God’s family. It is our joy to walk beside you and help you live a resurrected life in Christ.
Since baptism is a sign of God’s love, God’s grace, and publicly coming into God’s family we welcome the baptism of children. We believe that when a person is baptized, regardless of their age, it is a work of God’s grace. Our response to God is to live by faith. When children are baptized they publicly come into God’s family on earth. When children choose to put their faith in Christ, they become a part of God’s family in heaven.
Not only do we baptize people for the first time but we also reaffirm people’s baptism as well. Reaffirmation of your baptism is for those who have been previously baptized and have recommitted themselves to Christ.