"I never knew there was more."


That’s how someone from our college community described how she began to feel awakened to the presence and power of God in her life. If you're in college, chances are you're trying to learn who you are and what you're meant to do. This is the place for you. If you're hungry for more, come experience meaningful community as you develop a life of prayer and discover how God can awaken you to a life of impact.

Community Gatherings

Awakening HSV

On UAH Campus | CTC 126

Wednesdays, Starting August 21, 2024 | 6pm


Open to all college students in North Alabama, Awakening HSV takes place on the campus of UAH. With a desire to build lasting memories during the college years, we gather weekly to grow in genuine community, study and understand the Bible together, and learn how to pray for personal transformation, as well as for our campus, our generation, and beyond. And, of course, have fun together! Come experience what life is like as part of the family!

Want to check it out?

If you'd like to find out more about the college community at Asbury, just reach out and we'll be happy to connect with you.