Our 2025 Missions Gathering is an opportunity to join with 30 of our local and global mission partners to explore Jesus’ words to His disciples, “As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The Kingdom of heaven has come near.’”
Living on mission is at the core of who we are as Jesus' disciples too, not just a calling for a select few.
As we go about our daily lives, how might God be calling us to reveal Himself to those around us?
When we posture our hearts to listen to His Spirit’s leading, He may lead us to our neighbor or the nations. The beauty of the Church is that we get to live out that mission in different ways. As a church family of all ages together with our partners, let’s explore how we can hear and respond to making Him known as we pursue Kingdom life on earth.
Thursday - Sunday
Register now along with your kids, and plan to participate with your Life Group too to connect around the mission God has for His Church!
Adults: $20, Kids: $10
(covers food & supplies)
How You Can Serve
Host Home for a Mission Partner
Transportation for Mission Partners
Set Up Team
Welcome Team
Prayer Team
Day 1: Thursday, February 13
6:15pm-7:15pm | Bldg 5 Gym
We’ll start our time together celebrating how our entire family is gathered in one place from our neighbors to the nations and hear from some of our own home-grown partners Lauren Mosteller and Joel Aycock about how God is working through the generations to grow His Kingdom. KidsCare available for Kindergarten and below with registration.
7:30pm-8:30pm | Bldg 5 Gym
Women of Asbury, this will be our winter gathering as we hear from our partner Beth Tatum who serves in Costa Rica as we explore what it looks like to be authentic to our call to mission no matter the many hats we wear, and different ways we can practice some self-care in the midst too. KidsCare available for Kindergarten and below with registration.
Day 2: Friday, February 14
Madison Campus
We’ve planned a special day just for our partners to receive prayer and care as they take some time to rest while they are with us.
Day 3: Saturday, February 15
8am-8:50am | Madison Campus | Bldg 5 Gym
Men of Asbury, this will be part of our winter gathering as we get fueled physically and spiritually and pray both for our partners and how God is calling us to live on mission in our everyday lives.
9:15am-12pm | Madison Campus | Starting in the Bldg 5 Gym
Just what does it mean when we talk about the Kingdom of heaven? Bring your entire family and come with your Life Group to worship and hear a short message from our Pastor of Spiritual Formation Crissa Letson before hearing from our mission partners in five breakout sessions, including one geared just for kids! We’ll join back together at 11am to have lunch with our partners.
Day 4: Sunday, February 16
9am & 10:30am Madison | 10am Harvest | 4:30pm Huntsville (No Service)
We’ll have the privilege of having several of our partners share the messages during this third week of our worship series all about how we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live on mission.
Madison Campus | During Traditional Worship, hear from Bayram Erdem who serves in Turkey, and from Jimmy Aycock during Contemporary Worship, a former pastor at Asbury and now serving with the International Leadership Institute.
Harvest Campus | Hear from Carlos Cunningham who serves the prison community in Costa Rica with Voice of Liberty.
Huntsville Campus | Our Huntsville Campus will forego the 4:30pm service to join in with the Madison Campus for dinner and the final sesson of the Missions Gathering.
5pm-7:30pm | Madison Campus | Starting in Bldg 5 Gym
We’ll enjoy a good old-fashioned potluck dinner together for the entire family with time to gather up as individual Life Groups to talk through what God’s been revealing to you during the Gathering. Kids in 1st – 5th grade will get the chance to get some of their wiggles out with a fun session in the Bldg 5 Coffee House too! KidsCare available after dinner for Kindergarten and below with registration.
Then we’ll join in our final time of worship in the Building 4 Worship Center as we hear from all of our campus pastors and celebrate all God is doing before being commissioned for the mission He’s called us to live out together.