Thank you for making faithful generosity a priority!
Because God generously blesses us, we live generously by giving back what He’s given us.
That’s what a blessed life looks like. As we awaken to full life with God, we come to realize that He gave us everything through Jesus Christ. Giving is a natural expression of our foundational belief that Jesus is Lord of all, and impacts His kingdom both on earth and into eternity. Thank you for being part of what God is doing through Asbury with your giving.
Make your giving even easier by downloading the free Asbury App to give straight from your mobile device!
Your offering to the Asbury ONE Fund supports our partners. If you would like to give in memory or honor of someone, or to provide additional support directly to an Asbury mission partner, please visit the following pages.
Ways to Give
Download the We Are Asbury App from the App Store or Google Play for the easiest way to give safely and securely.
Set up a one-time gift or recurring gift right now! It’s as easy as scrolling to the top of this page and choosing your campus.
You can drop a check in the offering box in any of our worship spaces or mail a check to Asbury Church, Attn: Finance, 980 Hughes Road, Madison, AL 35758. All giving will be designated to the Asbury ONE Fund unless you tell us otherwise.
Old school still works. You can place your cash or coins in an offering envelope in our worship spaces and drop it in the offering box. Be sure to include your name and contact info for tax purposes.
Using your cryptocurrency is another way to reap the benefits of giving an appreciated asset and to support the Kingdom of God at the same time. Choose "Cryptocurrency" as a payment option when you give digitally to your campus to get started.
This “double tax advantage” for giving allows you to avoid capital gains tax by transferring appreciated securities instead of selling or liquidating before you give. And you get a charitable deduction for the full value of the stock for tax purposes. Choose "Stocks" as a payment option when you give digitally to your campus or contact us for more information.
Take advantage of the tax benefits of having all or a portion of your Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA sent directly to Asbury. Consult your broker or financial adviser to set it up and have your QCD mailed directly to Asbury Church, ATTN: Finance, 980 Hughes Road, Madison, AL 35758. Be sure to ask to have your name noted in the memo line or check stub.
A Donor-Advised Fund is a simple, flexible & tax-efficient way to give. Ask your financial advisor if this would be a good option for you.
You don’t have to use our digital giving platform to set up automated giving. Take advantage of your bank’s own bill pay system and we will receive a check without you having to lick a stamp! Please use our mailing address of Asbury Church, 980 Hughes Road, Madison, AL 35758.
Giving Statement & History
To access your individual or family giving, log in to your AsburyCentral account and click My Giving. Under the Schedule/History tab, you can view individual or family giving history below, or you can click Giving Statement for a full report based on the date range and tax deductibility you choose.
Manage Your Giving Account
Set up or adjust your giving transactions, update your recurring giving, or manage your payment methods by logging into your PushPay account. Setting up recurring giving is a great way to make your tithes and offerings an intentional priority every month, and helps make sure you don’t forget. Find more about managing your account here, or contact us anytime.