You can be part of loving our neighbors as Jesus called us to by partnering with local and regional organizations who serve the vulnerable right in our community. Through forming relationships and sharing the love of Jesus, you'll discover what true transformation can look like – in your own life and in those you encounter! 


Keep scrolling to see all partners, or select a focus area below.


Offering support for families and kids who are impacted by foster care or are looking to create a forever family is a way that you can tangibly share the love of our heavenly Father with his children.

Embrace 127

The mission of Embrace 127 is to be a church engaged in orphan care by meeting the immediate needs of our local and international orphans, supporting families involved in orphan care, and creating and nurturing a culture of expanding families through adoption and fostering.

Lifeline Children's Services

Lifeline is committed to serving families and children in the United States and around the globe through full-service adoption and orphan care ministry.

Royal Family Kids Camp

RFKC creates positive memories for children in the Madison County foster care system, ages 7-11, through a week-long camp in the summer.


When people need an extra hand or support, we get to be part of meeting those needs by partnering with area ministries and organizations who are well-versed in knowing the best way to provide assistance.

Asbury Community Thrift Store

Asbury Community Thrift Store provides reasonably priced merchandise to the community, but they accomplish so much more. They support the community’s mission efforts and see real impact in the lives of people through the money they donate to Asbury and other churches’ programs as well as through the resources they give to people in need.

Asbury Can Recycling Ministry

CONTACT: Tim Rhodes

By bringing aluminum cans to recycle at Asbury, you help support water well drilling with one of our mission partners in Ghana. Volunteers are also needed to take cans to recycling center once a month. 

Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center

CONTACT: Wanda Myers

Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center Provides Christ-centered pregnancy care, counsel and education. They see thousands of people each year in appointments and classes and hundreds each year come to know the Lord through this ministry.

Asbury Oil Change 

CONTACT: Jason Cuneo

Asbury’s Oil Change ministry serves widows, single mothers, and spouses of deployed service personnel with routine auto maintenance. The ministry offers this service twice a year, April and October. Volunteers are needed and vehicle knowledge is not required!


Did you know that thirteen percent of people right here in Madison County are in need of food assistance? You can help meet that need by packing food boxes or weekend school bags, serving meals to those experiencing homelessness, or by gleaning crops to help meet food insecurity needs.

Asbury Food Pantry

CONTACT: Stacy Franklin

The Asbury Food Pantry helps to feed the hungry in the Madison community. Volunteers are needed to work with the Food Pantry to help pack weekend food bags which are delivered to the schools for next school year.


Sometimes all it takes to help people take a step closer to Jesus is just a willingness to share good hospitality. It can be as simple as being a friend to marginalized groups such as immigrants, those experiencing homelessness, and/or people with disabilities. 

8th Street Community

CONTACT: Jordan Cruse

8th Street Community is a group home for adults with disabilities. You can serve by visiting, encouraging, praying with and for the staff and residents, providing household items and pantry supplies to adults with special needs. Volunteers are needed for meaningful daytime activities and to bring lunch for the residents.

ESL: English as a Second Language

CONTACT: Jackie Norton

ESL classes at Asbury provide patient teachers who are invested in helping people who do not speak English improve their speaking abilities and also become more comfortable in understanding American culture. 


Helping kids & adults learn and grow is a great way to build a solid foundation to help them succeed in life and grow in faith. Whether you enjoy helping students with homework or cultivating leadership skills, you can make a difference through tutoring or mentoring.

Christian Job Corps

The Christian Job Corps supports local men and women by equipping them to become self-sufficient with educational, employment, and life skills so that they can become viable contributors to the community. Volunteers needed to mentor, encourage, and pour into the students while they are in the program. Fall class registration is now open for both men and women to apply for free to obtain job skills and confidence when applying for a job, internship, computer skills, social media training and much more. 

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

CONTACT: Sonya Carrier

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives… one heart at a time. Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA is the largest Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.

First Priority

CONTACT: Phil Springer

First Priority of North Alabama is one of many First Priority organizations across the country. Serving as a local non-profit in North Alabama, FP is focused on serving middle and high school campuses. By uniting churches, and the community, FP seeks to provide a bridge to area schools. The primary way they connect with schools is through weekly club meetings on campuses, which are student initiated and student led.

Harvest Youth Club

CONTACT: Crissa Letson

The Harvest Youth Club provides a safe, fun, educational, Christian after-school environment for members to develop physically & socially and educationally.

School Supply Kids

CONTACT: Gail LeCroy

The School Supply Kids backpack ministry provides school supplies to children in the community who would otherwise not have them.


When people find themselves in life-altering circumstances, having caring people walk alongside them can help them take steps forward into experiencing true life transformation in Christ. Serving with local recovery programs that prepare people to transition into successful lives out of homelessness or prison can be life-changing for both you and those you impact.

Downtown Rescue Mission

CONTACT: Julie Woltjen

The Downtown Rescue Mission (DRM) serves as a lighthouse in our community for the poor, homeless, and destitute in order to meet their physical and spiritual needs through the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.
Volunteers are needed to help with upcoming events and serving meals; click the button below to see current needs and sign up to serve.

First Stop

First Stop is a local mission partner that seeks to encounter those experiencing homelessness where they are, connect them to critical services and support, and empower them toward independent sustainable living. They have volunteer opportunities which include such varied things as providing a meal for their day program, working in their garden, or even going with a team to the local camps.

Mercy Multiplied

CONTACT: Sandra Skvorz

Mercy Multiplied is a nonprofit Christian organization in Nashville dedicated to helping young women break free from life-controlling behaviors and situations, including eating disorders, self-harm, drug and alcohol addictions, unplanned pregnancy, depression, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking. Their hope is to help every woman they serve experience God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power.  We collect gift items to give to the girls during regular trips from Asbury to Nashville; please contact Lori for regulations on what can be accepted or if you are interested in participating on a trip.

Prison Ministry

Prison Ministry Contact: George Lyrene

Pre-Release Program Contact:  Art Mann

Asbury’s Prison Ministry teaches classes at Limestone prison and at the Parole Center in Huntsville. We conduct Kairos Events at the prison and at the half-way house in Decatur, and we conduct church services at the prison. Men are needed to volunteer to visit the prison on alternating Thursday nights and on the first Friday of the month to help with Asbury sponsored worship services. Training provided. Volunteer teachers are needed a couple of hours each week to help with classes and to help locate churches for prisoners in the pre-release program.

Shepherds Fold Village

Ministry Contact: George Lyrene

Volunteer Contact: David Mccollum

Shepherd's Fold Village shares the gospel of Jesus Christ by providing a safe place to live, support, and community for men who have been formerly incarcerated and need a second chance at a residential community located in North Alabama.

New Futures, Inc.

CONTACT: Patty Matice

New Futures Inc., is a 13-room homeless shelter in Huntsville that supports families looking to regain stability and reshape their lives. New Futures is the only homeless shelter in North Alabama that allows families to reside in a unit together to maintain healthy relationships to allow families the opportunity to thrive as they seek out permanent housing and financial security.


You can help provide practical needs for ministry organizations serving low-income areas in the Southeast region through physical donations and volunteer support.

Upper Sand Mountain Parish (USMP)

The Upper Sand Mountain Parish supports small rural churches within 1000 square miles of Southern Appalachian Alabama as they minister to those in need. Volunteers are needed to help sort items in USMP thrift store and to work on different projects such as canning jams, painting houses, doing minor home repairs, building handicap ramps, and hosting children’s ministries.
You can also support USMP by ordering some of their delicious jams with flavors such as Tropical Delight, Strawberry Banana, Christmas in a Jar, Jalapeño Peach, and many more. Jams are $5 a jar. 

Red Bird Mission

Red Bird Mission provides spiritual, educational, health, and community outreach ministries in Kentucky. 

Campus Outreach

Will and Lauren Mosteller work with Campus Outreach in their SERVE office in Birmingham, where they help to mobilize and develop missionaries who minister to college students around the world. In Will's role, he recruits, interviews, and trains prospective missionaries and helps coach them from their initial interest in serving overseas to actually getting on the plane! Lauren provides continuous resourcing in evangelism, discipleship, cross-cultural ministry, and leadership training to missionaries who are already on the field. Both Will and Lauren have a heart not only for reaching the lost world but also for equipping young leaders to love the Lord and carry His gospel to the nations.