What do we do when we feel surrounded by the unfamiliar and things that are out of our control? The book of Daniel serves as a map of how to live for God’s kingdom in the midst of temporary, earthly kingdoms.
During Daniel’s season of exile in Babylon, he resolved to hold onto three key truths - his name, his king, and his standard of success. As we face our own seasons of exile, we can use Daniel’s story to make the choice to live for God’s kingdom even when our curcumstances haven’t yet changed. While we remain on the battlefield between kingdoms, we can remain confident that we are part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken.
Watch full worship services below, or download the Asbury App to listen to the message audio only, including our Harvest Campus messages.
Week 1
Know Your Name
Jun 04, 2023
Teaching Pastors:
Mobile | Dr. Tommy Gray
Contemporary | Garrett Howell
Traditional | Dr. Tommy Gray
Harvest | Dr. Robin Scott
Week 2
Sustain Your Name
Jun 11, 2023
Teaching Pastors:
Mobile | Crissa Letson & Calli Scroggins
Contemporary | Dr. Tommy Gray
Traditional | Crissa Letson & Calli Scroggins
Harvest | Dr. Robin Scott
Week 3
Rooted in Your Name
Jun 18, 2023
Teaching Pastors:
Mobile | Dr. Tommy Gray & Garrett Howell
Contemporary | Dr. Tommy Gray & Garrett Howell
Traditional | Crissa Letson & Calli Scroggin
Harvest | Dr. Robin Scott
Week 4
King of my Thought-Life
Jun 25, 2023
Teaching Pastors:
Mobile | Dr. Tommy Gray
Contemporary | Garrett Howell
Traditional | Dr. Tommy Gray
Harvest | Crissa Letson
Week 5
King of My Narrative
Jul 02, 2023
Teaching Pastors:
Mobile | Garrett Howell
Contemporary | Garrett Howell
Traditional | Crissa Letson
Harvest | Dr. Robin Scott
Week 6
Survival Isn’t the Standard
Jul 09, 2023
Teaching Pastors:
Mobile | Chris Knox
Contemporary | Chris Knox
Traditional | Crissa Letson
Harvest | Dr. Robin Scott
Week 7
The Watchful Standard
Jul 16, 2023
Teaching Pastors:
Mobile | Dr. Robin Scott
Contemporary | Garrett Howell
Traditional | Dr. Robin Scott
Harvest | Crissa Letson
Week 8
Kingdoms at War
Jul 23, 2023
Teaching Pastors:
Mobile | Garrett Howell
Contemporary | Dr. Tommy Gray
Traditional | Dr. Robin Scott
Harvest | Crissa Letson
Week 9
His Kingdom Endures
Jul 30, 2023
Teaching Pastors:
Mobile | Dr. Tommy Gray
Contemporary | Garrett Howell
Traditional | Dr. Tommy Gray
Harvest | Hawah Brown
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