In Light of Love

This Advent, we’re struck by the gift of perfect Love that dares to enter our imperfect lives. It bursts forth into the darkness with audacious hope, beckons peace to enter here, and shouts joy to all the world. As the anticipation of our King’s arrival builds now through Christmas, may this time of preparation transform the hearts and lives of each of us and radiate out through our homes, our city, and beyond.

Watch full worship services below, or download the Asbury App to listen to the message audio only, including our Harvest Campus messages.


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Week 1

The Perfect Motive

Teaching Pastors:

Mobile |  Dr. Tommy Gray

Contemporary | Dr. Tommy Gray

Traditional | Garrett Howell

Week 2

The Perfect Gift

Teaching Pastors:

Mobile | Garrett Howell

Contemporary | Chris Knox

Traditional |  Dr. Alan Weatherly

Week 3

The Perfect Requirement

Teaching Pastors:

Mobile | Dr. Robin Scott

Contemporary | Garrett Howell

Traditional | Dr. Tommy Gray

Week 4

The Perfect Reward

Teaching Pastors:

Mobile |  Garrett Howell

Contemporary | Dr. Tommy Gray

Traditional | Garrett Howell

Christmas Eve Eve

December 23, 2021

Perfect Love Came Down

Teaching Pastors:

Contemporary | Garrett Howell

Traditional |  Dr. Tommy Gray

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2021

Perfect Love Came Down

Teaching Pastors:

Mobile | Dr. Tommy Gray

Contemporary | Garrett Howell

Traditional | Dr. Tommy Gray

Week 5

Sacred Rest

Teaching Pastors:

Mobile |  Dr. Tommy Gray

Lessons & Carols

Teaching Pastors:

Mobile |  Dr. Tommy Gray