November 19 | Missing Thanksgiving/Orphan Sunday
What does it mean to live a life of thanksgiving? Why would we not be thankful? During this message, we’ll learn from the story in Luke 17 when Jesus heals ten men of leprosy. Was their response what Jesus was looking for? How would you respond?
Orphan Sunday
We’ll also take an opportunity to rally together in response to God’s call to care for the orphaned and vulnerable.
November 26 | Christ the King Sunday
As we celebrate Jesus as our King, we will also look into what it really means to live in absolute surrender to God as Lord and King. If God is the Lord and King of our lives, how does that impact how we live?
Watch full worship services below, or download the Asbury App to listen to the message audio only, including our Harvest Campus messages.
Week 1
Missing Thanksgiving
(Orphan Sunday)
Nov 19, 2023
Week 2
Chirst the King Sunday
Nov 26, 2023
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