Stages of Life & Faith

As you look at your family or even your church family, you’ll see people in every stage of life. There is beauty in diversity with the exuberant youth of the younger generation and the vast wisdom of our elders. But as time moves along, you may be wondering how to navigate your current life stage or might even be wondering how to plan for the next one.


During this series on family, we will cover stages of life including marriage, parenting, aging, and grand parenting, just to name a few. Not every person will directly fall into a category, but this presents the opportunity to walk alongside one another as generation prays for generation.


So invite your family, or your friend-family, and join us as we learn to navigate these stages of life and faith together.

Watch full worship services below, or download the Asbury App to listen to the message audio only, including our Harvest Campus messages.


Quick Links

Week 1

Leaving & Cleaving

Aug 20, 2023

Week 2

Married for Life

Aug 27, 2023

Week 3

Restoring Harmony in Your Home

Sept 3, 2023

Week 5

Hope for Hurting Parents

Sept 17, 2023

Week 6

The Challenge of Mid-Life

Sept 24, 2023

Week 8

Making the Most of Your Last Days

Oct 8, 2023