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This series is based in four prominent Old Testament prophetic texts related to Jesus and how we see them fulfilled in the New Testament. Each text has at least partial application to the key weekly themes of Advent: hope, peace, joy, love. When we think of December, words like plan, cook, clean, trim, decorate, hang, shop, wrap, package, create, write, mail, wash, call, and attend come immediately to mind. How do experience more hope, peace, joy, and love? The answer—the promise of Jesus.

The week between Christmas and New Years is often viewed as a “catch up week”- this short in-between time to take a deep breath before life gets busy again. As refreshing as this breath is, it never lasts long enough. But what if this practice became a regular rhythm of our hearts? In this standalone message, A Holy Pause, we will be looking at the Biblical practice of pausing to reflect, worship, and rest.

This series is based in four prominent Old Testament prophetic texts related to Jesus and how we see them fulfilled in the New Testament. Each text has at least partial application to the key weekly themes of Advent: hope, peace, joy, love. When we think of December, words like plan, cook, clean, trim, decorate, hang, shop, wrap, package, create, write, mail, wash, call, and attend come immediately to mind. How do experience more hope, peace, joy, and love? The answer—the promise of Jesus.

The season of Advent leading up to Christmas encourages us to focus on what the Bible means when it says the Word became flesh - God’s presence was made manifest among us. As God reached down to enter our lives on earth through His son Jesus, He revealed His Father’s core identity of hope, peace, joy, and love through each personal encounter and word He spoke.

The songs of Zechariah, Mary, Simeon, and the angels and shepherds burst forth with the good news of the One who fulfills each and every expectation of our hearts. This Advent, let’s join the chorus and sing the songs of Christmas as we journey through the book of Luke together.

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