In Person & Online


The journey of discipleship is the life of a follower of Jesus. Of course, it’s not an easy one, but you are promised a steady guide, hope along every step, and lasting impact no matter your story. Everyone is invited to be part of the journey - will you embark on its path to awaken to full life?

One thing we’ve learned to expect in this life is hardship. And yet it still takes us by surprise because we know it’s not how things should be. When Jesus entered the world as a baby in a manger, his light broke through the darkness. But the Gospel of Luke reminds us that even He would endure difficulties, and as we walk through the season of Lent, we can take heart in knowing He has gone before us through it too.

Journey through the 40 days of Lent by looking at what beliefs unite all followers of Jesus and form a core identity through a study of the Apostle’s Creed.

The week leading up to Easter is an opportunity for us to consider each pivotal moment from the time Jesus entered Jerusalem to the Last Supper with His disciples, and finally His death and the three days before everything changed.

The better way that Jesus offers is a way that is filled with healing and hope. As we continue our journey through Lent, we will pause for a special evening of worship and renewal as we recognize and remember the many losses we have all experienced during the pandemic.

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