In Person & Online

New Testament

We will cover stages of life including marriage, parenting, aging, and grand parenting. Not every person will directly fall into a category, but this presents the opportunity to walk alongside one another as generation prays for generation.

No matter what season of life you’re in, because of Jesus, you can experience a full life right here and now. He’s given us gifts to share with others and promises a richness of love and faithfulness as we lean into Him. During this series, we’ll
be celebrating our seniors from the Class of 2023 on May 14 in our 10:30 Contemporary Worship service, and get to hear from some of them in our Mobile Worship service too. As we walk towards Pentecost Sunday at the end of our series, let’s seek after all God has in store for us together!

Have you ever felt like you’re at your lowest point, and then suddenly an unexpected interaction with someone changes everything? When the stone was rolled to seal the tomb, all seemed lost. Jesus’ group of followers struggled to hold onto hope. And then. The tomb was empty! Their personal encounters with the risen Jesus filled them with joy that was greater than anything they could have expected. But without the suffering, the presence of this unexpected joy would not have had the same impact. This Easter season, joy can invade our stories of struggle and suffering as we experience His presence too.

One thing we’ve learned to expect in this life is hardship. And yet it still takes us by surprise because we know it’s not how things should be. When Jesus entered the world as a baby in a manger, his light broke through the darkness. But the Gospel of Luke reminds us that even He would endure difficulties, and as we walk through the season of Lent, we can take heart in knowing He has gone before us through it too.

As we begin this new season, we continue to walk forward on a road of awakening, a path that isn’t marked by reaching a final destination, but one that looks like becoming more in tune to God’s presence along the way. Let’s continue our journey through Luke by looking at the characteristics that mark the life of a devoted disciple of Jesus - the one Who best knew what it was like to live in the fullness of God.

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