Let's live on mission together.
When you commit to following Jesus, you get to partner with Him to help people awaken to God and experience Kingdom life on earth. Whether you're part of Asbury or are looking for a place to be part of Kingdom impact, living on mission is a way that we get to come together as God's family and help it grow! See below for how we partner with others to share God's love with our neighbhors right next door and around the world.
You can be part of loving our neighbors as Jesus called us to by partnering with local and regional organizations who serve the vulnerable right in our community. Through forming relationships and sharing the love of Jesus, you'll discover what true transformation can look like – in your own life and in those you encounter!
From providing clean drinking water, to caring for orphans, training leaders, and sharing the good news in unreached areas, you can help bring Jesus’ hope and healing to the neighborhoods around the world whether you support Asbury financially or work alongside our partners on a global mision trip. We will not rest until the whole earth knows His name.
Missional life is a way to look for opportunities in our community where you can make an impact in the lives of people you encounter every day, and collaborate with other organizations who are seeking the welfare of our city. These kinds of intentional relationships offer simple yet powerful ways to see God's kingdom grow right where you are.
Have questions? We can help find the answers!
When natural disasters strike, we partner with Samaritan's Purse both locally and globally. When you support Asbury financially, your giving makes this kind of relief possible. Click here to give now.
See our Give page for more info about any current disaster relief opportunities.
Asbury's global misison trips are open to anyone who wants to be part of seeing God's kingdom grow! Starting with trips for kids and their parents to students and their leaders as well as many opportunities for adults, there's a way everyone can get involved. Questions? Contact Karen Reece to talk more.
Check out our list of local partners here to find an area you might enjoying serving and contact the partner directly. If you're part of a group at Asbury or want to gather up your family or friends, serving together is a great way to practice living on mission too! Not sure where to start? We're here to help! Contact Karen Reece to set up a time to chat.
You can find any global mission trips highlighted within our list of global partners here. When a trip is offered, you'll be able to give directly to support that trip through the info provided.