We are stronger together.
Asbury is part of two networks that bring together like-minded churches to strengthen ministry and mission opportunities as we advance the Kingdom of God. Hear about our committment to the networks from our lead Pastor Tommy Gray in the video, and keep reading to learn more about the national Foundry Network and the regional Forged Network, how they are connected, and what that means for life at Asbury.
The Foundry Network brings together large like-minded churches and pastors across the country who remain faithful to Wesleyan roots, align theologically, and work together to reawaken the movement of Christ in our communities. As of September 2023, it is made up of 13 large churches who have committed to work together for greater Kingdom impact. This is accomplished as the leaders of these churches connect on a monthly basis for accountability, shared best practices and deepening relationships. These churches also work together for shared ministry and the development of the next generation of leaders. You can learn more about The Foundry Network at thefoundrynetwork.org and you can click here to view the network map. Additional churches may be added through an application process.
The Forged Network reflects the DNA of The Foundry Network into statewide partnerships in Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. Churches in each state partner together in mission and ministry with accountability through in-person gatherings and video conference calls. Foundry Network churches develop and lead these statewide networks. The Forged Network of Churches in Alabama is led by Asbury Church and Cove Church and currently totals seven churches throughout the state with with six others in a discernment process about joining. You can learn more about the Forged Network Alabama here and click here to view the network map. Additional churches in Alabama may apply to join the Forged Network.
Asbury commits to theological alignment with The Foundry Network and periodic voluntary partnerships in kingdom expanding opportunities. The pastors of each church within the Foundry agree to consistently pray for one another, to meet together by zoom on a monthly basis, to meet together in person yearly and to have unlimited access to the others in the network. Asbury’s Lead Pastor, Tommy Gray, is one of six pastors who give leadership to The Foundry Network.
As churches within The Foundry Network, Asbury Church and Cove Church developed the Forged Network of Churches for Alabama, plan and lead the quarterly gatherings, and serve as a resource for best practices and counsel for churches in the network. The gatherings allow for all the churches to learn from one another.
A complete list of these can be found on The Foundry Network website at thefoundrynetwork.org. These include the Nicene and Apostle’s Creeds, The EUB Confession of Faith, and the Articles of Religion of The Methodist Church. It also includes such orthodox theological convictions as affirming that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, along with the Bible as the inspired Word of God.
While we affirm the faith as articulated in the EUB Confession of Faith, The Articles of Religion of The Methodist Church, and the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds*, the following represent central tenants our network lifts up as especially important.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to salvation except through Him.
The Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God and contains all things necessary for salvation.
Ministry should always be full of grace and Truth.
Making disciples of Jesus Christ is our priority.
We are committed to relational discipleship.
We are engaged in being the hands and feet of Jesus in our local communities and beyond.
All followers of Jesus are given gifts by the Holy Spirit to be used for the building up of His Church and the advancement of His Kingdom in the world. We are committed to the ministry of equipping followers of Jesus for this work. We are especially committed to the calling, equipping, and sending of younger generations for God’s work through the Church in the world.
We affirm that marriage and sexual intimacy are good gifts from God. In keeping with the teachings of Scripture historically and throughout the Church universal, we believe that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union. We believe God intends faithfulness in marriage and celibacy in singleness.
*These historic documents can be read here.
In May 2022, Asbury Church held a church conference where we voted by over 92% to become part of The Foundry Network. We made application to the network affirming our commitment to the theological foundations and relational connections and were received into the network in December 2022. Our membership covenants reflect the theological commitments of the networks.